Buddhist Approach to Handling Grief and Loss
Awakening to Reality When I was 21 years old, my younger brother had a terrible motorcycle accident. To say the least, he didn't make it. However, the after math of that accident left us all in great shock as well as sadness for many years to come. Now, sadness or grief is to be expected. But shock—why shock? Well, you could say, I was in shock because I thought the death of a family member only happened in the movies. At the age of 21, it had never occurred to me that bad things, like my brother passing away, could actually happen. As I look back on this today, I can see that I was living in a fantasy world constructed by society. In a very real sense, society shields us from these existential truths. As a result, we find ourselves only seeing half of the picture. We often ponder questions like, "What do I want to be when I grow up?" or "Will I ever fall in love?" But, we rarely consider the possibility of death or the loss of a loved one. With this in mind, th...